Tell us a little about yourself and what made you get started in the beauty industry?
I basically grew up in a salon as my favorite Aunt was a hairdresser for 30 plus years. I always loved watching her work and how happy she made everyone. I decided after I graduated high school a traditional college wasn’t for me, and attended cosmetology school in 2006. I was a natural and found my confidence levels rise as a beautician. Unfortunately I gave up that dream after the recession hit and people just didn’t have the money for hair and makeup services anymore. I found my passion again making Youtube videos and I hope to reach as many people as possible.
What is one thing you are really passionate about (besides makeup)?
I am truly an animal lover at heart and advocating for them has become a hobby. My love for animals surpasses my own cats and dogs, I want to help every animal find a loving compassionate home to grow old in.
Name 5 things you cannot leave the house without.
Purse, phone, wallet, sunglasses, lip gloss
When shopping for makeup, do you ever avoid certain ingredients?
My skin is very dry so I try to avoid anything that has alcohol. I am also moving toward vegan products to protect animals and to advocate for change in all industries.
What is some advice you would give to someone just starting out in the industry?
Be ready to work and really love what you do. Clients never just drop into your lap. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You have to prove yourself and that takes time. Also, don’t be so hard on yourself if something doesn’t turn out perfect. We all start from somewhere and have to grow and learn along the way.
What’s your biggest makeup regret/horror story?
If I could give any advice it would be…don’t touch your eyebrows! They are meant to be trimmed and not shaved, waxed, or naired! Lol. Don’t follow trends with something as permanent as your brows. I ended up with skinny over-plucked arches that would serve a fast food chain better than my face, and as we transitioned out of the 90’s I regretted that more than any other beauty trend out there.
What are your tips and tricks for the perfect selfie?
Angles, angles, angles..and good lighting of course. We all have a good side and don’t be afraid to flaunt it! Take as many as you need to find the perfect one. I do this a lot when I am trying to capture the perfect thumbnail pic. I also feel like the best selfies are the ones you’re having fun and being natural in. My husband takes amazing candid photos when no one is looking. We are truly at our most beautiful when happy and natural.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully as an independent beauty Youtuber and entrepreneur if my own line of beauty products.
What are some makeup hacks that have really worked for you?
Tightlining and eyelash lifts have helped me so much with my morning routines. I no longer struggle with my eyeliner early in the morning. I love that it gives my eyes definition without taking up excess lid space. Just like the tighlining hack, eyelash lifts have taken the beauty world by storm! And I know why. It takes my ordinarily straight as a pancake eyelashes and gives them life and much needed volume. I have all but retired my eyelash curler thankfully.
What is your skin care routine? How do you change it up in different seasons?
During the day I use a hydrating serum and a moisturizer to set the serum and lock in the hydration for under my primer. In the evening I use my tried and true Equate make-up wipes (I get from Wal-Mart) to take off my makeup. They don’t dry me out or leave a residue. During the cold winter months I add weekly masks and eye cream to my regimen.
How do you stay on top of the latest and upcoming beauty trends?
Social Media and Commercials mainly. I also do google searches for new launches as well.
What’s your dream job?
To be able to create and make enough money to support my family and to help as many people feel beautiful inside and out as possible.
What are some common beauty mistakes you see others making?
Not using the correct foundation base color, too much blush/highlighter, and not lining the eyelids all the way to the lash line. (A huge pet peeve of mine!)
What does your average day look like?
Up @ 6:30AM, shower, hair and makeup, off to work for 9 hours, drive home, film and research social media to see what’s trending, and then off to bed!
If you were only allowed to wear one color for the rest of your life what would it be?
Black. Hands Down.
This or That?
Natural Lashes or False Lashes? Natural
Trying new products or sticking with your tried and trues? Always want to try new things and combine with my favs!
Full glam or light and natural makeup? Light and Natural Makeup
Liquid or Powder Foundation? Liquid! All the Way
Matte or Glossy Lip? Glossy
💖 Make sure to follow Sheila on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube💖